Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Basic Photography Technique For Beginners

Don't go crazy buying an expensive camera, but you'd better take a little time to find out what camera you'd like. Here are some basic photography technique of a camera.

Basically, all cameras are the same and, given identical film and settings, a cheap camera will take the same photograph as an expensive camera. More money doesn't directly buy your more quality but more control over the image.

A camera is a box with a hole in it. You can make one out of a shoe box with a window of transparent paper on one side and a small hole in the opposite side. Physics teachers call this a 'pinhole camera.' Adding more controls, mainly to do with the lens, produces different types of cameras.

1. Disposable Camera.
These one-time use cameras are easy to carry and take surprisingly good shots. They are great for people shots at parties.

2. Compact Camera.
Perfect for snapshots. I like a small, pocket-sized camera with a flash (for people's faces), a self-timer, a wide-angle lens (28mm for impact), and a panoramic mode (looks cool!). The downside to not having a zoom is that you're limited to the lens provided.

3. SLR.
The choice of amateur and professional travel photographers. The Single Lens Reflex feature which allows the viewfinder to look through the main lens instead of its own fixed lens allows you to remove and replace the lens. Interchangeable lenses give you more creative control of your shot. You can make a super-wide shot with a 'short' lens, or enlarge a very distant object with a 'long' lens. You can also control the aperture (the size of the hole) which allows you to decide what is, and what is not, in focus. The downside to the SLR is that you now have more equipment to buy and carry.

4. Medium- and Large-Format.
These are bigger versions of the SLR camera which allow you to use larger (and thus higher resolution) film. Mainly used by stock photographers, the equipment is large and heavy and, therefore, inconvenient for basic travel purposes.

5. APS.
The Advanced Photo System (called Advantix by Kodak) uses a smaller film - 24mm instead of 36mm - which means the cameras are smaller and lighter. This is good for travelers. However, because the APS is new, there is currently a smaller range of equipment suppliers and film developers available.

Look for a camera with the simplest layout of the features you need and, as with the stock market, only invest in what you understand.

Learning All About Digital Photography

To get the absolute most out of the material, you should have a digital SLR or a high-end digital camera that presents you a wide group of control over shutter speeds and aperture settings. Digital photography has many advantages far more than traditional film photography. You can be astonished which the greatest digital camera is, and if you are conscious of digital photography basics you may make the decision effortlessly.

Digital cameras are principally characterized by their picture resolution or mega-pixel capacities; from low-resolution (less than 1 mega-pixel) to high-resolution (greater than 1 mega-pixel) to advanced high-resolution (4 mega-pixels or more). Digital photography uses electronic instruments to seize a snapshot of a particular thing and translate the portrait into binary record, which is readable by a computer. ISO ranges from 100-3200, and it is extremely low-noise across the whole collection. When you're altering the settings on a camera, you're trying to observe the correct exposure for the subject and lighting conditions. How to set shutterspeed, aperture, and exposure depending on the type of condition and much more. 5 megapixels are sufficient for most situations.

If everything you are worried about is knowing how to be able to have a digital camera to obtain your Myspace pictures hence you don't have to be concerned about developing and scanning everything, you should perhaps just get a small lesson from our digital camera and check the handbook or owner's instruction manual to deal with any troubles you can undergo.

What is great about the digital camera is the fact that you can have a continual amount of pictures. If you are barely planning to use the pictures online or with a computer, you would have a lower resolution setting. Have the ISO set for the surroundings you’re in hence you don’t lose valuable moment. Digital photography for beginners could be mastered by anybody. You will notice that it is easy to go off from digital photography for beginners to the subsequent level of photography, for you find more comfortable with your digital camera.

What Are The Advantages Of Digital Photography Training?

You will be taken through the steps of loading your camera and getting the most out of your camera' s storage space for images. The advantages are many if you are willing to take them. Not only will you learn new techniques and new ways to take photos, you will also meet like minded people who can share stories of their own skills and weak points. It is being able to share information in this way that makes digital photography classes so appealing to many people.

Digital photography classes are also often designed to appeal to people at different stages of learning. For example, a beginner' s class will be aimed at people who have never previously used a digital camera, and want to learn how to take competent photos with one.

The aim of an intermediate class will be to develop the beginner' s knowledge and introduce more techniques and skills to make their photography more enjoyable and interesting.

Finally, for the more advanced student there will be a number of classes that go into greater depth in a wide range of areas. You may be able to take a class which teaches you how to produce excellent photos with night photography, for example.