Thursday, February 28, 2008

Digital Cameras - Latest In Todays Photography Technology

With the advent of digital cameras, the cost of photography has plummeted considerably, with the result that there has been a surge of interest in the field. Greenhorns in this area however, need not fret. Sharpening up on your digital photography skills is easy, provided you have the basics at the tip of your tongues, or is it, at the tip of your lenses!

Mastering the basics of digital photography, first and foremost involves knowing all about pixels and resolutions. These are the parameters that have a direct bearing, and quite a lion's share on the quality of the images being generated. The more the pixel count, the better the resolution or clarity of the picture and the better it turns out when enlarged. So it is obvious that the fastidious photographers prefer robust pixel values. However, with the market flooded with digital cameras of various makes, you can hope for a good bargain. Let us discuss a few basics of digital photography.

Zoom And Tele Lenses

Going digital has also meant that you can click away merrily at anything and everything under the sun. This will only help you get well up on the nitty-gritty of the zoom modes. The Optical Zoom of a camera is worth tinkering with. The "Telephoto" mode makes your subject appear larger while the "Wide Angle" mode is all about cramming a lot of a scene into your picture and hence the elements of the picture appear smaller.


Toying with the controls of your digital camera is a good way of getting a hang about the different picture modes and hence be able to put them to good use. For instance, instead of relying on the instruction manual, see for yourself that the Portrait Mode actually sharpens your subject and de-focuses the background. For those who are not yet comfortable with the exposure, focus and flash parameters can take the help of the Auto Mode in the awkward initial stages.


There is no such thing as a photography gene. Good photographers weave magic with their cameras, but this magic is all about getting the lighting and flash issues straightened in their photographs. Shooting in the early morning light is advisable if you want to avoid the harsh glare of the midday sun and in case of night photography, filming during the twilight hours or just as the moon is rising gives you the best results. You should not shoot with the sun directly in front of the lens.

Using the Flash

The flash is quite a lure for the novice photographer but results are not always satisfactory. This is because improper use of the flash function leads to the marring of good photos. In fact, the flash really leads to underexposure, and thus ungainly shadows in night photography. While you are using this feature, inch closer to your subject and thus make sure that all the areas of the picture are equally lighted up.

Shutter Speed

The shutter speed is one area that many newcomers to digital photography is quite oblivious to. But you will be amazed at the dramatic results that mere varying the speeds can bring about. The rule of thumb: fast shutter speeds "freeze" the action, while slow values will result in a blur. Slow shutter speed also let more light enter into the camera, so this is an option worth considering when you need to shoot in low light conditions.

The basics of digital photography are not hard to master. And being well versed in them will help you capture reality in all its essence.

Basic Photography Required For Happy Wedding Moments

The wedding is considered to be one of the happiest moments in the life of two lovers. Though this can happen again should one of the spouses die or decide to have a divorce, there is nothing compared to the first time.

Since the wedding may last less than an hour while the reception may go on longer, the best way to preserve this memory in time is through pictures taken by a talented photographer.

People who want to start a career here should first take classes on the basics of photography. Some think it is just a matter of looking at a lens and pushing on the button but there is more to it than that. There are factors such as lighting, color and timing has to be considered to be able to get the right picture especially for the candid ones.

When the person has learned this, it is time to get that camera. More people are using digital cameras these days that can hold more than 200 images or more depending on the size of the memory card.

This makes developing faster than the conventional one, which is taking out the film from the camera and working on the pictures inside the dark room.

Some people who want to become digital wedding photographers do it because of the money. The individual must realize that it is only through devotion that the quality of the shots taken is consistent.

It takes awhile to be a good wedding photographer. It may be months or even years so during this time, the photographer will be able to develop a certain style or technique that will surely be remembered by the client years after the wedding took place.

Some of the lessons in digital wedding photography can be self-taught. Since there are other ways to shoot pictures, it is best to talk with other artists or to attend seminars.

Another way to excel in this art will be to enter in competitions. The individual may not win but there are valuable lessons that can be learned which can be incorporated into the style used in taking those photographs.

Research has shown a good wedding photographer can make $24,000 annually or more. This means serving one client well will open the doors to others such as the friends and relatives of the couple who will also be getting married in a few months or years.